America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
There was no chance under biden or harris that the genocide would end without running to completion. None. They're both centrists, and genocide is the only policy I've never seen a centrist abandon.
Voted harris but refuse to carry water for genocide supporters.
Because in another recent discussion we had, you called me a russian, had that comment removed by the mods, and then whined about how unfairly you were being treated by the complicit mods for enforcing their rules.
This sure looks like you're trying to call me a russian again without saying it outright.
We should have used all the resources that we wasted supplying the genocide that centrists dearly love in Gaza and used them to shore up Ukraine. Instead, netanyahu got his weapons no questions asked, while Ukraine had to wait for democrats to play stupid games with immigration bills first before getting around to the tiresome obligation of making a token gesture toward preventing putin from steamrolling Europe.
Sorry your blue team proto-fascists couldn't contain their disgusting bloodthirst enough to win the election from the red team fascists. Think outside of this bullshit electoralist thinking for just a second.
What makes you think there was a non zero chance with Harris? Anything she said or did? Because I got no indication from her campaign that there was any chance she'd end it
If all third party voters swapped to Harris, she still would have lost. Vote shaming doesn't work and it's especially gross when it wouldn't even matter.
Yeah man, do whatever you can to absolve your inaction. I bet they appreciate it. Because if Harris was president and this attack did not happen then I assume you're pretty culpable. But hey- you "followed your conscience." Great stuff.
I tell people to grow up all the time. Realize the world isn't perfect but sometimes you gotta make dirty decisions to bring about the greater good. But you'd rather feel smug than give a shit and actually have to make a hard decision. Hopefully you're just young and have time to grow. Honestly.
There's a big amount of red voters unhappy with trump but that voted for him because in their eyes he's "lesser evil" than blue and because "there's no alternative".
Once a third party gain enough traction to break the narrative that only red or blue can win it will be a landslide. In europe third parties wins all the time.
What I mean is that Republicans are going to do everything they can to stop or rig elections so they don't have electoral consequences for Trump. Party organizing is going to need to take place outside of electoralism.