Proportional representation doesn’t just change how many seats a party wins, but where. Whether you're a Liberal in rural Alberta or a Conservative in downtown Toronto, you get representation
Proportional representation doesn’t just change how many seats a party wins, but where.
Whether you're a Liberal in rural Alberta or a Conservative in downtown Toronto, you get the representation you vote for.
That's why we love PR-it bridges our divides.
Proportional representation (or lack thereof) isn't a left or right, liberal vs conservative issue. It's a Canadian issue, and in the face of threats from the south, we need to stand united🍁
I strongly prefer RCV. Don't see the positive of tweet.
Canadian politics are already arguably broken in that party loyalty determines all votes, and riding issues don't matter, though rare stray votes do occur. PR makes this dysfunction even stronger in that the strongest party loyalty is the requirement for receiving an appointment. A possible positive is that someone really good at policy get appointed over someone really good at lying to public to get elected. But then why would a candidate help if there is 0 chance they will get a seat even if party wins, unless they get 90%+ of vote.
If a conservative won a seat through RCV in Toronto, they would still be in favour of Federal funding for Toronto. Similarly, an Alberta politician could like things that are good for Alberta independently of their party. Most FPTP races are decided with less than 50%, and under threat of wasting your vote on someone the least evil. RCV can change those dysfunctions. Under PR, who do voters complain to about stuff that should be done?
PR is such a drastic change with no obvious improvements to democracy.
I appreciate your thoughts on electoral reform, though I'd like to address some misconceptions about PR systems and explain why RCV alone doesn't solve our fundamental electoral problems.
First, it's important to clarify that RCV (what you're referring to) is typically implemented as Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) for single-member districts. IRV is still a winner-take-all system that fails to ensure proportional representation. While it eliminates the spoiler effect, it still discards many votes and produces results where seat percentages don't match vote percentages.
You raise concerns about regional representation and accountability under PR:
Regional representation: Many PR systems, particularly Single Transferable Vote (STV), maintain strong regional representation through multi-member districts. Representatives still have geographic constituencies, but districts elect multiple MPs proportional to votes cast. This actually improves regional representation as more diverse viewpoints within each region are represented.
Party loyalty vs. local concerns: Under our current FPTP system, party discipline is already extremely tight. PR systems like STV actually give voters more power to choose between candidates of the same party, potentially reducing party control. In Ireland's STV system, for example, representatives actively compete with party colleagues for voter preference, increasing accountability to constituents.
Accountability: Your question "who do voters complain to?" has a simple answer under PR: they have multiple representatives from their district. This creates more avenues for constituent services, not fewer. In fact, having multiple representatives per district means voters are more likely to have at least one MP who shares their political values.
Improved democracy: PR objectively improves democratic representation. Under our current system, millions of perfectly valid ballots have zero effect on representation. In rural areas like Hastings-Lennox and Addington, over 51% of voters had their votes completely discarded in the last election. That's not a "minor dysfunction" - it's a fundamental democratic deficit.
If combining ranked ballots with geographic representation appeals to you, I'd strongly recommend looking into STV, which accomplishes both while ensuring proportional representation. It gives voters the ability to rank candidates while ensuring that the overall makeup of Parliament reflects how people actually voted.
The core principle at stake is simple: in a democracy, we are deserving of and entitled to representation in government. Any system that systematically discards votes, as both FPTP and IRV do, undermines this principle. Only proportional representation ensures that vote percentages match seat percentages - the mathematical foundation of fair representation.
IRV is still a winner-take-all system that fails to ensure proportional representation.
IRV is RCV. 2nd election runoff is still a winner take all, but with RCV you could vote Green party even if media tells you that they will finish 4th, but if they had enough 2nd choices in RCV, and media horse race manipulation is eliminated in your first choice, they could still win.
seat percentages don’t match vote percentages.
The holy grail you seem to want maximizing for is "party identity" rather than "Unifying maverick exceptionalism" potential. Latter is rare and counter to Canadian political system, but local values and local loyalty could better attract voters independently of national party affiliation. I understand that in practice, all candidates are shills for party. But PR precludes a complete independent of running, it would seem.
Representatives still have geographic constituencies, but districts elect multiple MPs proportional to votes cast. This actually improves regional representation as more diverse viewpoints within each region are represented.
This is a good point, I learned from one of your other links. I think from your STV link, you can have multiple candidates from same party included, and then include least bad conservative at 10th choice if you want. Albertans voting for liberal would still only affect an Alberta liberal possibly included in government.
Whatever dysfunction occurred in voting reform committee that caused derailment of RCV was a dysfunction. I get why you could prefer PR
In the case of Alberta, 35% of our seats in the last federal election would have been Liberal or NDP under proportional representation. That's also including the fact that rural (conservative) ridings tend to have about half the people in them as urban ridings, so the rural votes effectively count for twice as much as the urban ones.
With another country threatening to annex us, this is about the last thing I feel we should be focusing on. Won't do much fucking good if we don't have a country.
I’m not sure what you mean by not having a country.
Also, the government doesn’t have a singular function. It can work on the threat from the south, and have people look into what needs to be done for electoral reform and even execute it, all while the PM does squats.
What we need is a quick move to come up with a plan to handle an unstable US for the long term. Such a plan may include improving Canada’s own security, and reform our electoral system to prevent demagoguery from the US from taking hold of our government. If the CPC’s earlier lead in the polls is not a red flag for it happening, idk what else is. Far-right, anlt-right, and maga-like rhetoric is here in Canada, and is influenced not just by the Russians and Chinese, but also the USA.
Please refrain from using curse words, it distracts from the substance of your comment.
The government is able to focus on multiple priorities at the same time. While threats of another country annexing us are high priority, it doesn't help us that the democratic legitimacy of our government aren't as strong as they could be.
And how would proportional representation cause us to not have a country? I would say that a minority governing on behalf of the majority, like it is now under FPTP, is ripping the fabric of our country apart.
Is there anywhere else that’s switched to proportional representation, run-off voting, or similar from FPTP? How does it affect things like regional representation. Seems like it creates instances where the candidate from some ridings gets a seat with fewer votes than the other candidate. I think the urban/rural divide is only going to get worse as technology leads to more migration to urban areas even though it’s the rural population that’s taking care of the fundamentals in our economy.
Seems like it creates instances where the candidate from some ridings gets a seat with fewer votes than the other candidate.
Not too sure what you mean by this, but maybe MMP would give you an idea as to what would happen, and whether the scenario you’re thinking of would actually be possible? Lemme know.
I think the urban/rural divide is only going to get worse as technology leads to more migration to urban areas even though it’s the rural population that’s taking care of the fundamentals in our economy.
I don’t really believe that technology is the leading factor to the migration, but economic factors are. This isn’t to say that our farms aren’t profitable (I believe they are and should be), but there simply are more options of work in urban areas. Given that farms take up a lot of space, population ends up being sparse, and so do economic opportunities. It doesn’t have to stay that way of course, perhaps we could rethink how rural life works, e.g. rural Japan, but that’s not only a change in culture but likely also a multi-year work, so I digress.
PR isn’t one electoral system but more so a principle that some systems follow. So it makes more sense to talk about the different systems that implement PR, and see how they can work for us, or if we can give it a bit of a twist so that it can work for us.
I see it a bit. An entire city will still get representatives from that city, without being down at a riding level. Would they do the same for large rural regions? Would Barrie ON be a 1 seat city, or would it be part of a greater rural region?
Is there anywhere else that’s switched to proportional representation, run-off voting, or similar from FPTP?
New Zealand, Australia.
How does it affect things like regional representation.
Regional representation is mostly the same. Even in the current situation, we can have parachute candidates: candidates that don't come from the region are allowed to put up their name for consideration and be elected. So we don't really have good regional representation to begin with. And if that's the case, regional representation isn't as relevant as people might perceive it to be (that's not to say it isn't important!).
even though it’s the rural population that’s taking care of the fundamentals in our economy.
The economy is far too complex to capture in this statement alone.
...and as everyone knows the value of a human (and therefor the influence they should have over society) is measured in how many dollars they contribute to the economy. that's why our current system of government is so just!