That's not entirely true, France is battling with very similar issues to the US. A rising far right power, media that are using the fox news playbook, t additional media that is playing catch-up and following the Overton window set by the previous point, similar blue collar struggles, a president that is appealing to the right while claiming the center despite a majority of constituents clearly signaling left in the last elections, etc.
France is not far behind unfortunately.
I know, but it feels like all around the world politicians are trying to appease this rapist mf instead of telling on his face what he is. The only way these tyrants remain in power is when people remain silent.
Fake news. Nero did not burn Rome. Nor was he actually crazy or fanatically prosecuting Christians. Nero was mostly smeared by his successor's family who also happened to have him assassinated and needed at least nominal justification for their coup d'etat. Not even they caimed, however, that Nero set the city on fire. This urban legend mostly was spread by 1950s Hollywood dramatizations of "history".
What an excellent read. I'm tempted now to hear it and see how much my poor French can manage.
Friedrich Merz has just declared that Europe needs its own military alliance. This is a recognition that France has been right for decades in advocating for strategic autonomy.
Now it must be built. This will require massive investment to replenish the European Defense Fund beyond the Maastricht debt criteria, harmonize weapons and munitions systems, accelerate European Union membership for Ukraine, which now has the leading army in Europe, rethink the role and conditions of nuclear deterrence based on French and British capabilities, and relaunch missile-shield and satellite programs.
(emphasis mine)
I haven't heard it put that way before. Interesting to think about.
Our parents defeated fascism and communism at the cost of great sacrifice. The task of our generation is to defeat the totalitarianisms of the 21st century. Long live free Ukraine, long live democratic Europe.
(emphasis mine)
Dammit, why'd you have to mention that at the end?
Fotzenfritz is an ultra-reactionary, revisionist, eight-winged concretehead. He can't say "nazi" without mentioning the communists were just as bad, he can't condemn a right extremist terror action without mentioning imaginary left-extremists hiding behind every corner. You can find this rhetoric in literally every sentence he says about political extremes. Merz is not half as moderate as he claims but a notorious nazi apologist and anti-democrat.