What about in Rom's voice, Brother?
16 0 ReplyUnion dues
7 0 Reply
Fee averted, I read it in this guy's voice.
11 0 ReplyNice try.
collects three strips of latinum from you
8 0 ReplyHah it was just worthless gold, the latinum is hidden somewhere else entirely.
3 0 ReplySnyder and Quark have different voice anyways. Quark has teeth prosthetics which changes his voice from his natural one. It's subtle but it's there.
5 0 ReplyDidn’t you get killed by a giant snake?
3 0 Reply
Gaming the system Mr. Derek? That's detention.
5 0 Reply
I read it in the voice of the principal of Sunnydale High School.
15 0 Reply11 0 Replycollects three strips of latinum from you
2 0 ReplyThey’re the same person?
2 0 Reply
I read lots of headlines in Professor Farnsworth's voice - a highly satisfying habit I recommend cultivating.
6 0 ReplyGood news everyone! I've decided to take your advice!
6 0 Reply
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized. The flipside of 'you cannot be sued for copyright infringement for having unoriginal thoughts.'
7 0 ReplyRule of acquisition number 294: Everything can be monetized with the right attitude.
14 0 ReplyI would like to nominate you for the next Grand Nagus. You clearly have the lobes necessary.
10 0 Reply
What about the borg? Can they sue the collective if they have an original thought?
9 0 ReplyHmm, the Borg are probably the Ferengi's worst nightmare. Being a hive mind, they don't have an economy...which means no profit!
4 0 ReplyI don't know the legal ramifications, but you'd think any thoughts arising from the collective would be public domain.
3 0 Reply
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized.
7 0 Reply
Jokes on you; I have no idea what his voice sounds like.
5 0 ReplyWatching DS9 after seeing Pulp Fiction my friend said, "Ooooh! Check out the big brain on Quark!"
5 0 ReplyI’ve got two slips of latinum and a ride token for Galia’s Moon Resort. Will that do?
3 0 ReplyI read this in Armin Shimmerman's voice; not Quark's.
6 0 ReplyAndrew Ryan: Would you kindly pay me three strips of latinum
4 0 ReplyAndrew Ryan: Would you kindly pay me three strips of latinum
I forget that Quark was Andrew Ryan
1 0 Reply
collects three strips of latinum from you
2 0 Reply
As someone who has never actually seen Star Trek and has only ever enjoyed the memes, looks like I get free internal vocalizations.
Also I have no idea what this guy sounds like. My immediate thought is Tony Shalhoub
5 0 ReplyYou should really try watching it sometime.
collects three strips of latinum from you
7 0 ReplyI'm just afraid the mystique will be broken y'know? Like running into a flock of peacocks.
2 0 Reply
Monk or Antonio Scarpacci
2 0 ReplyFrom MiB
1 0 Reply
Probably a little difficult to talk at all with those nose and mouth prosthetics
1 0 Reply