Head on down to the container store, a store that is just (expensive) plastic boxes, so you can fill the one room you don’t show anyone with storage to load it up with all the shit you own and don’t display out of shame
But really minimalism is rich person shit. Minimalism is for people who can afford a house with several rooms and to furnish entire rooms or entire homes even in one go.
Poor and middle class people end up with maximalism. It’s hard not to when your design is I’m gonna buy a cheap couch that’s not really what I wanted but overall okay, then a chair 18 months later that design trends changed in the interim, then a table 6 months later, then 3 years later I replace the couch I had with an even worse couch because it broke (fuck you ikea) and I had to replace it somewhat urgently and my budget was very weak, etc.
or they have fallen deeply for the consumerist trap and they have the wall of funko pops. But that’s their own fault. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go put on one of my hundreds of vinyl records, which is totally different and doesn’t make me a hypocrite at all