Sounds good. But until he does anything, it's just bluster and tough talk. It needs to happen. And it has to go on for a few days, with Americans REALIZING why Canada's taken that action. They have to realize why more and more people, more and more countries, hate them. But it's not enough for them to know that, they have to have their own lives disrupted. And realize that it's their own government's fault that all of this is happening.
Québec should cut electricity or apply heavy tariffs to New York.
That, or direct negotiations to the state level to remove tariffs between states and just circumvent the American federal level. I’d rather have them Balkanized at this point.
I don't understand why Canada should impose tariffs back except for the specific industries where the tariff would give the Canadian business an advantage. Otherwise you are only increasing taxes on Canadians for no reason other than political brownie points.
Real change should be held off for 18 months while new trade partners are developed and tankers established. Then oil should be cut off a few months before midterm elections.
Doing trade wars now will make Trump look like a hero in 3 years when he returns everything to normal and acts like he improved things right before the next election.