I tried cbd for migraines with no luck, but cbg works really well. If i vape cbg, it will reduce my migraine for a few hours - long enough to run a few errands or get some sleep. If i start feeling the neck pain the night before, i use a cbg sublingual at bedtime and it keeps it from fully forming - still have the headache, but i can usually be functional with more cbg and aleve. There was a guy on the old hempflowers subreddit that started using cbg daily and he thought it cut the frequency and severity of his headaches in half. One of the best ones I've found is from Laxaris Naturals. https://www.lazarusnaturals.com/?irclickid=W7r3AO08jxyPUoUwiRzDy1aXUkFxlcXX81Z7Ug0&utm_source=impactradius&irgwc=1&ir_campaignid=10183&ir_adid=633390&ir_partnerid=2059696