14 0 ReplyImagina if terochichimomo was the actual name of coffee in Japanese (?). Pretty crazy.
3 0 ReplyReminds me of the game Contraband Police that used Cyrillic Соитяaьаид on the poster which reads "Soityaa'aid Police"
6 0 ReplyNow that's just 尺卂匚丨丂ㄒ😅
30 0 Reply尺卂匚丨丂ㄒ
Rule fly rapidly box on side line obstruction of breath T?
2 0 Reply
I've become so averse to this kinda branding to the point where I'd just prefer them to use a translated version I can't read and some tiny English for anything important.
I'm not scared of kanji! If you're gonna lean into Asian languages for your marketing just use the damn languages properly!!!!
15 0 ReplyThe what????? Loool
5 0 ReplyBased on context clues, they sounded out the name or sound of each characted used in "soul of coffee"
7 0 ReplyYup, that's how the katakana/hiragana would be spoken aloud. Source: I only do these on Duolingo to keep up my streak
3 0 Reply
Coffee Domination
1 0 Reply
Like a 5 year old reading cyrilic.
2 0 ReplyΘώθ
2 0 ReplyΘώθ
2 0 Reply
I have no idea what any of that means, but I've recognised the word "coffee" on the cup and everything else became irrelevant. I want one.
34 1 ReplyThe cup is using Japanese letters that look somewhat like English letters to spell "Soul of Coffee". The comment is how those letters are read in Japanese.
103 0 ReplyI've been learning Japanese for over two years now and English is not my native language. I had no idea what was going on.
I hate this
5 0 ReplyOoooooh, that makes a lotta sense! I really should've abused my first ex's willingness to share her knowledge of Japanese...
Edit: thank you!
22 1 Reply
All us former or present weebs that once learned Hiragana, Katakana, maybe 5 words and phrases, and basically nothing else, understand. (And the people actually speaking Japanese, too)
17 0 ReplyYou can't learn Japanese from anime alone
If you think you can then あなたはバカ
(Please do not reply to me in Japanese because I can't communicate it in fluently yet because I'm still learning it)
9 1 Reply
No wonder why I couldn't read that, I was trying to read the Japanese because I'm learning it
It's not Japanese, they really should not do that because their going to confuse a lot of bilingual folk
16 1 ReplyI ran into the same issue as you, but for me looking at the entire thing as opposed to individual kana helped
6 0 Reply
no one who likes scripture would do this. no one who doens't like scripture should get money for that.
11 0 Reply2 0 ReplyI've seen this video already.
1 0 Reply
Do these starbucks like drink can be even thought as a "coffee"? I remember trying out Starbucks once and I have felt barely any energy increase
11 1 ReplyStarbucks-like drink
picture of a latte on ice
I mean Starbucks coffee tastes like extra-burnt charcoal I'll give you that, but I don't think an iced latte is a far out drink or anything...
7 0 Reply“Is Starbucks even coffe3???”
Yeah man, it’s made with coffee beans and it’s got caffeine in it. Some people don’t need a whole ton of caffeine to feel it.
If you want to feel something, try their cold brews
10 0 ReplyShhhhh, you cant go against the hivemind! Starbucks bad, ok?
3 0 Reply
I dunno man, for me it’s as simple as “does it taste good?” “It does? Good.” And I like coffee flavor in sweets and desserts.
5 0 ReplyIt's not about drinking a coffee. It's about coughing a drink.
1 0 ReplyNo.
2 1 Reply
9 0 Reply👀
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