My current phone (iPhone 13 mini) is telling me to retire it, and I want to get into Graphene. I really dislike that my phone sometimes will just hang while I’m swipe typing and don’t want to buy a new one that has these latency issues. I also don’t want to spend a ton of money.
I was looking at the Pixel 8a which is being sold for $500. Anyone else use it with Graphene? Do you use a swipe keyboard? Any responsiveness issues?
What about storage? Coming from Apple, I can see my current phone using about 64GB with OS + apps. Anyone recently made the transition and can tell me if I can expect this number to grow or shrink?
I cant speak to the storage or specifically the 8a as I went with the 8.
GrapheneOS is snappy though. Never had a hang or experienced any lag outside of a segfault one time that crashed the phone. There was an update pushed out the next day and haven't had any issues since.
GOS is under constant development and fixes for things seem to be fixed pretty damn quick.
GOS also tells you when an application has memory issues like buffer overflow which could be a security risk.
GOS puts you in control of your device in so many ways, sandboxing apps and user profiles, installing google play services to a user or not, restricting app permissions.
It is hands down the best phone OS i have ever used and i have done a fair bit of custom rom installs on my galaxyS4 back in the day. The best part is you dont even have to root it.
Ive been using GOS with pixel 8a for a month or so. Coming from 12 mini. The biggest differences i notice is battery. I had to charge twice a day in the morning and evening with 12 mini. With P8a, once before i sleep and it still has around 60% average. 40% if i really use it and 80% if it's a busy day.
Cant help about swipe keyboard. I personnaly use floris KB. Just normal touch typing. No autocorrect and suggestion. So far, no problem with responsiveness. 120hz is an eye opening.
I got the 128GB version. As of this moment, im using 15% with 109GB left. I got 25 third party apps. But most of them is Fossify apps. Im not much of an apps guy. I only install what i need.
Safe to say, ill probably gonna stay with GOS for good. All my apps are from fdroid, except a couple of apps like signal. I have private space set up for my banking app since it needs sandboxed play store. I have aurora store in there too. Owner profile is strictly FOSS apps.
i actually tried GOS awhile ago but i cant do it since tried to do it in one go. Big mistakes in my part. End of last year, i bought a server for nextcloud. I moved my files, photos, contact etc into nextcloud plus setting up a reverse proxy for it. Had to migrate my email to custom domain. I did it bit by bit until im no longer tied to icloud. Best decision so far.
Was the banking stuff easy to get working? I’m looking to ditch my iPhone but I also don’t want to spend more than a weekend getting my basics swapped over.
Pretty easy for my bank. My bank has a 2FA, like or not i need the app if i need to do online transaction. Cant do shit with the website.
The stupid thing is, my bank only need playstore app installed when im trying to activate the 2FA. After i activate the 2FA, my banking app doesnt seem to care if playstore is installed.
My banking app works, but I stopped using it because it's bloated garbage (100mb!?)
Instead I use Hermit or Native Alpha to create shortcuts to websites like bank, Amazon, etc. These make websites function like apps, so I don't need the crappy apps from these places, and have a single app install instead of multiple crappy apps.
I can second this. Picked up an 8a a few months ago. Read up on installing GOS and had no issues putting it on for the first time. Spent a few weeks reading the GOS docs/forum, exploring, and experimenting to figure out how I wanted it set up. Been so happy that my only regret is not splurging on a pro model.
Pixel 5 is cheap. It really depends on your use case. I like the 7 for the cost point and size.
As for storage, there's not really an easy comparison as they do things differently. I hammer on phones, move a lot of files around all the time, take music and movies with me, and find 128gb is fine. But I also use Media Monkey as an iTunes-like media sync (you can use iTunes, I just don't like it). I also use Syncthing and Resilio to access my own media.
Edit: Also Android handles storage a little differently, by having dedicated partitions for things like system and user. For example, my "128 GB" phone actually has 117 GB usable space due to formatting, native apps/user config data and such (apps and config data are stored in the user partition). The space used for the operating system is a different partition, inaccessible to us users so not worth worrying about.