Adrian Zandberg, a Polish presidential candidate from the left-wing Razem (Together) party, has called for a major investment in nuclear technology, saying that Poland needs at least eight nuclear reactors to secure its energy future.
In another campaign statement, Zandberg told public broadcaster Polish Radio on Friday that EU countries should bring together their defense industries and strengthen military cooperation.
This really sounds like BS: Poland has zero running nuclear power plants for power production. They run one experimental reactor, have no existing infrastructure or notable experience.
It would take around 6-15 years to build one power plant, would cost 5-20 billion € per power plant and where would fuel come from, where would waste go?
Not to mention planning for nuclear reactors will be pretty fucking difficult seeing as the climate is about to break down. Why can’t I just say one leader of a European country say we need to fucking pump carbon out of the air. No instead all we get is bullshit bullshit and more bullshit.