Microsoft gives up on users experiencing problems updating their Windows 11 machines. Now recommends a "manual correction"
Windows 11-24H2 installations with certain update statuses can no longer install further updates. Only a manual correction will help.
Last Christmas, a problem with Windows 11 24H2 installations became known that they cannot install further updates if they were installed from an installation medium with certain update statuses. Microsoft has now given up looking for an automated solution to this problem or developing a fix-it tool – The only option available to those affected is manual correction.
Microsoft has confirmed this decision by setting the entry in the Windows Release Health announcements to "resolved". Specifically, the problem description is that a Windows 11 installation on version 24H2, which was installed from a CD (sic) or USB drive with integrated October or November updates from 2024, can no longer install any further security updates. This also includes media created with the Windows Media Creation Tool at those times. However, installations that have downloaded the updates via Windows Update and applied them do not have this problem.
Windows update dropouts: only manual solution available
The entry on the problem from Microsoft has had the status "resolved" since the end of last week. However, it still only contains the previous workaround as a solution: The problem can be solved by overinstalling with an installation medium that contains at least the security updates from December 2024 – i.e. was created from December 10, 2024 –. Microsoft does not mention a fix-it tool, script or other options, such as registry changes.
Such an updated medium can be created with the Windows Media Creation Tool, which is available on Microsoft's Windows 11 download website. This either downloads an ISO file that can be transferred to DVD or creates a bootable USB stick with the Windows installation; this should have at least 8 GB of space.
Would suck if I paid ~200$ for an official Win 11 Pro licence just to have Microsoft fuck up my system to the point where I have to reinstall everything
Annoying warning keeps showing up at boot -> bring the PC to the nearest computer-literate person, and they'll fix it. Good luck doing the same if you use Linux.
Atm if you use Linux you either are computer-literate yourself or have someone in your circle (even if it is an online friend) who is and who can help and if we ever got to the point where a random normie suddenly has Linux on their machine I'd assume someone at the computer store will be able to fix it
24h2 has tried to force install on my machine I work with 4 times now. It wastes an hour or so each attempt, then crashes and automatically rolls back.
This machine otherwise is up to date and has no other issues.
The failed attempts have forced me to plan on the machine being unusable for the first chunk of my morning, and on each attempt performance bogs down while it does the pre-game crap.
I'm not wanting to disable security updates... I want to disable the forced "feature" update.
This reminds me of the Blaster Worm back in the early 2000s. Infected users had to patch their PC without the internet, because connecting is what would cause you to reboot (so many PCs were infected it was basically instant). I worked at a computer store and we burned a bunch of patch CDs and were giving them out like hotcakes. My boss decided to slap a price tag on them for a day or two but we convinced him the good will was worth the cost and he eventually made it free again. People were fucking pissed off and handing out the free CD made them very grateful.