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Clinic associated with cult that teaches that people with disability are experiencing 'karma' receives thousands in NDIS funds Aaron's carer, who was funded by NDIS, was part of a 'cult' that teaches that disabilities are 'karma'

A clinic with ties to a cult that teaches that disability is "karma" has received thousands of dollars under the NDIS scheme.

Aaron's carer, who was funded by NDIS, was part of a 'cult' that teaches that disabilities are 'karma'
BrainWorms DeadWorld

Clinic associated with cult that teaches that people with disability are experiencing 'karma' receives thousands in NDIS funds

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  • yea... religious groups of any kind shouldn't even be able to run (or in any way associate with) health clinics in this country, let alone receive funding from the government.

    I know they hide their affiliations through layers of trusts and charities but those connections should immediately disqualify them from any public funding.

  • That is amazing.

  • The headline is borderline nottheonion material lol.

  • I wish I could say this is the least bit surprising.

  • I am vibrating with rage.

    This is so fucking upsetting.