A new innovation in the retro gaming community now allows you to run your entire PS2 library directly from a $50 memory card, thanks to the Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) protocol. This breakthrough technology, developed by a team of coders, enables smart memory cards like the 8BitMods M...
A new innovation in the retro gaming community now allows you to run your entire PS2 library directly from a $50 memory card, thanks to the Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) protocol.
From my experience using mem2sio to run games from an SD card is that the memory card slot causes issues with certain games causing issues from lagging cutscenes, long load times, and freezes. Are those fixed in this version or is it similar as far as compatibility goes?
Some people like to play on original hardware but I guess this still being emulation makes that a little cloudy. I certainly couldn't justify it. I own a computer and wireless controller, so as you said.
If it makes you feel any better compatibility is probably pretty mixed. Last I checked the PS2 memcard slot doesn't have enough bandwidth to load all games reliably.
Makes me wonder if it's faster than the USB 1.1 ports on the PS2. I used to load PS2 games from a USB drive but 1.1 speeds meant that some games had stuttering FMVs and some with texture/geometry streaming were more susceptible to pop-in.
I can't imagine it'd be much better via memory card though, considering it was only ever intended for small savegames and fot loading firmware updates (which is also what this memory card or rather FreeMcBoot exploits).
I think the best thing is to load your games over the network. The usb ports are only 1.0. And I’m pretty sure the network adapter hard drive connector either only accepts up to 40gb drives or it only uses a pata connection.
I have a 2TB SATA HDD in my PS2 fat. AFAIK that's still the maximum storage size possible with the FMCB/wLaunchELF software. I believe that an unmodded original network adapter should be able to take up to a 512MB IDE drive, but I'd have to double-check that.
I used to use a third-party "network adapter" (they usually don't have Ethernet, just an HDD connector) with SATA support, which still works fine (it seems like most brands stopped working properly after a certain homebrew software version), but later I bought an official adapter (IDE/PATA) and a SATA conversion kit (a kit specific to the PS2 network adapter, not a standard IDE-SATA converter, which sometimes work with the PS2 and sometimes don't) so I could try network stuff.
I don't think it was worth it, but these days it's probably the way to go since there no longer seems to be any way of telling the non-working aftermarket adaptors from the working ones; the companies making the bad ones just started putting the brand name of the one still working adapter on their products.