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Anti-Corporate Movement haui

The General Strike The General Strike

The General strike -the people united shall never be stopped. If we strike together we can make true real change. Sign the strike card today.

I'm very glad that someone just showed me this just a couple minutes ago! Thats how it begins! Take down the people sucking you dry and telling you to be happy about it!


General Strike US

178 31

The General Strike

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The Strike Is Coming

20 2
  • (Posted this elsewhere) What I think you all need:

    1. A manifesto with surgically specific changes you want done that will be guaranteed to permanently fix things (so healthcare reform along with a pre-prepared legal framework etc.). With as broad concensus as possible (so eg. with unions on board probably). By doing the legislation design by itself and handing the politicians a finished bill to sign, the strike movement will minimize the opportunities that they have to water it down.

    2. A general strike to force whichever party is currently in power to implement that manifesto.


    • Still constitutinal. On paper it's the politicians that opted for this and nobody forced their hand.
    • A surgically specific manifesto will make it blatantly obvious whether your demands have been met or not – and hence whether the strike may cease. No space for watering down. This is why being specific is crucial.