I sometimes wonder if we're in the wrong timeline like on that episode of NextGen where Tasha Yar was never killed, they encounter the Enterprise-C, and Guinan tells Picard "it's not supposed to be like this, there should be children on this ship," or words to that effect.
However, people probably felt that way too when JFK was shot; from where I'm standing, the real fracture in the timeline occurred on 9/11, and things have only gotten more batshit crazy and fractured as time goes by.
We got the timeline that happens when we allow things to happen for decades without protesting (the European way) when politicians try anything the first time.
That seems entirely possible. For all we know these ghouls in the GOP are actually the Loom in human form just consuming all the life in this dead end timeline. We need a Crusher
I mean, the founding fathers made a constitutional monarchy in all but name. Every president keeps fucking with what little constitutional restraint they had in the first place and face no consequences (only to pretend they're widdle powerless and restrained bois when politically expedient), all that happened is the veil has been lifted.