The oldest, mannest, beardiest crossover
The oldest, mannest, beardiest crossover

Felt it needed a touch more Trek:
24 1 Reply12 0 Reply13 0 ReplyOmg, so that's why Janeway drinks so much coffee!? This explains like so much!!!
Half the time it's probably water even - face it, no human could even survive that much intake of actual coffee!? (even decaffeinated, the acidicity levels alone...)
But doing it all for the sake of the cruelty - that's the Janeway! :-P
3 0 Reply
We've had one, yes. But what about second
breakfastcoffee?8 0 ReplySecretly, in some corners of her mind:
5 0 ReplyMan, Jeri Ryan is beautiful but when she smiles as Seven it’s just so creepy. I love it.
5 0 Reply
Which episode was this?
10 0 ReplySeason 5 premiere for Enterprise
13 0 ReplyI thought it was season 2 of Firefly
5 0 Reply
9 0 ReplyBe careful though, sometimes it backfires and can get you into trouble with the law!
3 0 Reply
Doesnt that only work on the weak minded?
9 0 ReplyYes, but it also works on people doped to the gills on pipeweed.
16 0 Replydoped to the gills on pipeweed.
Fool of a Took!
9 0 Reply
I remember that episode. That’s the one where Count Dracula fights Magneto over the control of the Allspark, right?
5 0 ReplyI am so sorry that you were forced to watch that episode.
3 0 Reply
I said, what does God need with a pipe of weed?
3 0 ReplyHrm... perhaps we need to find out?:-)
3 0 Reply