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[Minimalizm] Different Trains - Steve Reich

  • Chyba najbardziej intensive dzieło Reicha, wpisujące się w nurt amerykańskiej sztuki sztuki inspirowanej losem europejskich Żydów. Bardzo polecam. Warto wklejać opisy!

    “The concept for the piece came from my childhood. When I was one year old, my parents separated. My mother moved to Los Angeles and my father stayed in New York. Since they arranged divided custody, I traveled back and forth by train frequently between New York and Los Angeles from 1939 to 1942 accompanied by my governess. While the trips were exciting and romantic at the time, I now look back and think that, if I had been in Europe during this period, as a Jew I would have had to ride very different trains. With this in mind I wanted to make a piece that would accurately reflect the whole situation.”


    Na albumach często łączone z kompozycją "Electric Counterpoints" nagraną z Patem Methenym i wykorzystaną np. w Civilization 5.