TIL about "Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome", a condition occurring in babies that is characterized by multiple, symmetric, circular skin creases, or bands, on the forearms, lower legs, and neck
These circumferential symmetric skin creases are called the “Michelin Tire baby syndrome” because of their striking resemblance to the mascot of the French tire manufacturer.
TIL about "Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome", a condition occurring in babies that is characterized by multiple, symmetric, circular skin creases, or bands, on the forearms, lower legs, and often the n...
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Original Title: TIL about "Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome", a condition occurring in babies that is characterized by multiple, symmetric, circular skin creases, or bands, on the forearms, lower legs, and often the neck that are present at birth.
When symmetric skin creases occur in isolation, it is important to reassure the parents of the benign nature of this syndrome and that the creases will resolve over time
"Doctor, anywhere I take my baby, things keep exploding violently. Like in a way that seems excessive and dramatic. What do I do?"
"Oh dear. Well it seems your baby has Michael Bay Syndrome. I wouldn't expect the explosions to stop any time soon but it's not life threatening. Other symptoms usually include misogyny and negative reviews on Rotton Tomatoes."