Probably, they found some mention of a non-cis relationship and decided to blow that up to saying there's porn in the game because that's what this modern brand of bigotry does. Along with trying to legislatively ban porn, which they've previously defined as anything non-cis.
That's a loaded question. When did you stop playing?
There's, picking random wild plants, Fishing, Mining, capturing wild animals, skate/hoverboards, flying space ships around, alchemy, saving a museum from a rich old man that wants to loot it, causing another still rich but far less rich fat guy to cry when you help him meet the rich old man who roasts him so bad you can hear his will to live evaporate...
There is...
Dealing with Gaslighting. Attempting to help patch up family drama. Pilotable mechs. brief touching on quantium mechanics and the nature of reality. Groundhog day time loops....
Helping someone give birth. Reconciling a man's hurt over feeling abandoned by his boss/gay lover.