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Halasham Halasham
Posts 70
Comments 354
My religion is atheist?
  • I don't think that's necessarily the case. We can determine to some degree what's going on in the mind of other people without having faith in their self-report, it's just impractical to do to everyone or frequently; FMRI can show us their brain activity and we already have a reasonable sense of what the different bits of brain do. Would we be able to get fine specifics of their thoughts from it? No, not yet but given that out ability to detect and measure has a general tendency to improve with time I believe that it is a 'yet' and not an 'if' barring Extinction Level Events.

    Could you elaborate on the second point? I don't see cause to have faith regarding that subject. We don't have all the knowledge about the subject but neither would we know, for example, the exact ordering of a deck of cards immediately after a thorough shuffle. We know enough that we're not going to see an Ace of Fives if we shuffled a standard deck and we'll be able to determine the order they are in if we pay attention.

    Most of the faithful that I know personally aren't involved with a governing body of their faith. They still use it to be bigots. When pressing them on the issue I've yet to get a response as to why they're bigots other than their faith. They have, or at least are aware of, secular reasons to be good and kind but not when being bigoted in some ways (they have secular reasons for the kinds of bigotry their faith opposes).

  • My religion is atheist?
    • Thanks.
    • The differentiation I used wasn't my own words, I got it from here, I figured I shouldn't go off just my own take. I suppose I should have specified that from the beginning.
    • I suppose there's a case to be made for that.
    • I don't see how you've got that I have an extreme position from 'Religions are faith-based while philosophies are based in some logical argumentation.'
    • Noted. I suppose I could try to find something not abhorrent about faith. I've long since stopped being angry about it but I'm still very much an Antitheist.
  • My religion is atheist?
  • I don't intend this to be harsh or negative but I don't know how to phrase this nicely;

    Secular Humanism is a philosophy, not a religion. Religions are faith-based while philosophies are based in some logical argumentation. The muddling of religion with philosophy linguistically serves only to tarnish philosophy and lend undue credence to religion. That language is so flexible can be beneficial but it can equally be detrimental when used like this.

  • I love trolling FE groups. This was posted today.
  • The numbers words, Mason, what to they mean!?

  • Minecraft is getting a real creepy new biome and mob, plus item bundles
  • Honestly? I'm probably going to have at-least one bundle on me all the time once this comes out and I start playing again. I think they're going to be pretty useful... and I never end up playing a world long enough to have an Enderchest full of Shulkers.

  • Koumei & the Five Fates Official Gameplay Trailer
  • Thanks. This is better than what I thought it was... random power would've sucked so much.

  • Koumei & the Five Fates Official Gameplay Trailer
  • I'm not sure what I'm looking at in terms of her powers. Is one of hers to copy a random power?

  • No One Is Eating Cats And Dogs, You Morons
  • Honestly, argumentation like this is part of my understanding of why the Reich Wing is so opposed to education. Baseless assertion works a hell of a lot better on people who haven't been trained to look for and expect sources and evidence.

  • Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life"
  • We're talking about the head of an organization that claims to own the entire planet. They're going to insert themselves wherever they see fit regardless of actually having a place to do so.

  • Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life"
  • So, just to be clear we're talking about the person who's predecessor refused to speak out against the Holocaust while it was happening in spite of knowing it was happening for longer than most, right?

    EtA: The leader of the cowardly organization that made arrangements with the Reich for protection while so much of the rest of the world was fighting or making preparations to fight.

  • It's God's will?
  • Stories like that of Job is why my position is that if it were to be determined by some means that the God of Abraham actually exists than that should be corrected at the earliest available opportunity. If almost any claimed gods exist than that should be corrected.

  • An answer to my prayers?
  • Yeah, that's frustrating. Reminds me of learning my grandfather attributed me being accepted to my collage of choice to the fictitious despot rather than my own ability (at least in spite of being religious he's kind, this kind of thing with him tends more to be by way of unfortunate implication rather than intent).

  • What in the f did I come across
  • Well, not to everyone. At-least they wait for a dissident to have a following then make an example of them. Still submit or else, just with a degree of slack built into it for ease of enforcement.

  • Spiritual battery
  • Thank you. I'm aware it won't change their minds however for one of them I have been established as a source of correct information (close relative and lifetime of giving them correct info)...

    They don't seem to internalize the information but I still try to provide them with correct information to counter the christofasc programming.

  • Spiritual battery
  • What's the source for the Jefferson quote? I'd like to show it to a few Christian American Supremacists I know.

  • For the fun: Weapons
  • Just got the Alternox and I can see what you mean, it's fun a fun gun with two very nice modes and just enough dynamic action to make skillful shots feel really good.

  • For the fun: Weapons

    Going on the advice I've gotten recently for getting the last few MR ranks I'm trying to vary my loadouts every so often and just remodded a weapon I enjoy but rarely use: The Javlok

    I know it's not great but I enjoy it. I figured it'd be fun to hear what everyone's pet weapons are. What weapons, if any, do you keep around that aren't powerful but you enjoy them?

    I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?
  • Fair enough, I didn't know that. For me I have one of my warframe slots reserved for Ivara just in case I ever have to do another Spy.

  • I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?
  • Limbo can't cross the beams without being detected. However Ivara can if you get her special augment for her invisibility power. Unfortunately you get Ivara's pieces from doing Spy missions without the data-destruction timer being activated for any of the three vaults.

  • I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?
  • Yeah, understanding how mods interact gets progressively more important as you go. I can explain how to make your weapons better, at least, quickly:

    Each 'category' of damage is multiplicative to other categories while all mods within a category are additive to each-other. The categories are Base (ex Serration), Elemental (ex Stormbringer), Multi-Shot (ex Split Chamber), Critical (ex Point Strike & Vital Sense), and Faction (ex Bane of Grineer).

    So, you could get the Arsenal to show you high numbers slapping all your elemental mods on a gun but it won't be as effective as using 1-2 of each category. So, make the combo element that hurts whichever faction you're fighting and use the appropriate Bane mod and you should cut through Sedna like you're back on Earth.

    But there's more; There's several types of special mods that are only gotten from a few places:

    • Nightmare Mods: They give two positive effects. Nightmare mods tend to cost less mod cap and give less of the effect but getting two effects from one mod tends to be worthwhile (so long as both effects are good). They're only acquired from Nightmare Mode Alerts that show up in places you've already unlocked.
    • Corrupted Mods: Give a positive effect and a negative effect. The positive effect tends to be larger than you could get on a normal mod when maxxed out and for some weapons or warframes the negative has no or almost no impact (ex less fire rate on a gun with 1 shot magazine, you reload rather than be slowed by fire rate). You get these buy opening the Dragon Vaults on Deimos missions which will require Dragon Keys.
    • Galvanized Mods: Give a positive effect and a conditional positive effect (ex more crit chance for a few seconds after getting a headshot) these are extremely powerful mods but you can only get them from the Arbitration shop on relays, which uses Vitus Essence from the Arbitration gamemode as it's currency. You need to do every node on the star chart to unlock it.

    You can use these various special mods to squeeze even more power out of your gear, but you'll likely need Forma to make best use of it all. And Orokin Catalysts.

  • Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Haven't done them all yet... honestly I haven't even finished my first K-Drive yet. Really not a fan of hoverboarding about. Still, I'll see what I can do about the other modulars.

  • Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?

    Hello everyone,

    I've been trying to work through my remaining MR fodder. I've picked a few things off my remaining unmastered list and started trying to acquire them... only problem is these things have proven unexpectedly difficult/annoying to get. So, is there a resource somewhere to allow for quick differentiation based on ease of acquisition?

    I've got few enough things on the list I could probably fit the set of all weapons I haven't mastered yet into 3-4 screenshots if that'd help.

    Edit: Was asked for the screenshots: !





    Took a bit more than I thought. While I was at it also took a few of the other things that give MR:





    I have Tatsu Prime & Citrine building but otherwise I think the screenshots show a pretty accurate listing of what I still need to put effort into.


    Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?

    Just finished maxing out my Railjack Build and recalled that it at least appeared to be that Railjack was an underappreciated game mode.

    So, does anyone like it now? How've you built your railjack? Do you use Lavos when doing Railjack or manufacture energy as-needed?


    How to silence Adversaries?

    Is there a way to stop the mad ramblings of Liches while I'm hunting them?

    It's sometimes entertaining but there's too many Lich personalities that are just grating, and I've most definitely got one of those now while I'm just trying to get a new weapon to wring the MR from.


    Style Advice Wanted: Modern Architecture

    Hello everyone,

    Finally managed to get a modded world stable enough to have a few large machines running and enjoy their use, including an autonomous concrete factory. With that I've built some walls and then realized I don't have any real experience with modern architecture... so I've got a giant white brick surrounding my machines.

    Honestly, I'm not used to building on this scale either so I'm not sure how to make this look nice on multiple fronts. One thing I do know though; I don't like glass curtain-walls so I'd rather not do that for this building in spite of it certainly being big enough.


    Any ideas?


    Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community

    Hello everyone,

    Just did a few missions on the Zariman and remembered a post from here or back on the old subreddit talking about some people still never using Operator mode. So I figured it'd be interesting to hear what people think about it and how much they've invested into it:

    • Do you use Operator/Drifter mode any more than absolutely necessary?
      • If so do you prefer the Drifter or Operator?
    • How much effort have you put into your Amp(s)?
      • Have you built several with significantly different behaviors? [Ex one a flamethrower, one a grenade launcher etc]
    • Do you use Operator &/or Amp Arcanes?
      • If so which ones?
      • If so have you raised them to maximum rank?
    • What Focus School do you main?
      • Is it the school you started with?
      • How far into it are you?
    • Have you used other schools?
      • If so have you unbound anything from them?
    • What would you say your primary method of getting Focus is?
      • Do you like that method?
    • Compared to your main Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you?
      • Compared to an average Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you?
    • Is there any stand out utility of the mode for you?
    • What would you say your general opinion of the mode is?

    Looking For Modpack

    Hello everyone,

    My friends and I would like to play a modded world together now that we've found 'The Essentials' mod which allows us to circumvent our previous issues with multiplayer. However we've had some issues with finding good modpacks. None of us are experts so we've just been trying ones we've found.

    We've mostly tried 'Create on a Potato PC Ultimate' and 'Create: Arcane Engineering'. Create on a Potato PC was/is great but we have a minor crashing issue. Arcane Engineering integrates the mod so much it makes trying to primarily work with one frustrating. My friends have also tried Create Chronicals and found it to just be altogether too much.

    What we're looking for is a pack with Create (addons desired but not needed) and an in-depth magic mod like Botania or Ars Magica.

    Any suggestions?


    What to put on a Viral Primer?

    Besides Viral Damage and status chance, obviously. I've been slowly wringing all the MR out of my favorite primer, my Kuva Nukor, and I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure if my mod selections are quite worth the slot... and I've got plenty of capacity to work with. !

    This is my current build. To me the point is that it applies max stacks of Viral ASAP, as an added bonus it's Kuva element is Radiation which prevents buffing enemies from doing much of anything. As is unless I'm on SP the Nukor can and will kill most enemies quite efficiently.

    So, what do you do with a Viral Primer once it primes Viral with all the gusto is can?

    Edit: Taking all the suggestions here's what I've got: !

    This is looking pretty awesome now.


    New Favorite Melee Weapon: Hespar

    Just finished building the Hespar and slapped a build from Overframe on it... I didn't use to have a favorite melee weapon beyond what looked nicest strapped to my hip. I didn't really use melee much. Hespar w Galeforce Down is now my favorite. Love the wide swings and quick forward advance letting me carve through hordes with minimal effort.

    Might just have to put together a loadout using all my favorite things now since there's enough to fill all slots.


    On Call: Ideal Crew for Tenno Support

    So, a friend of mine and I just went two for two on frustrating experiences:

    SP Interception is just frustrating for the two of us. We struggle to clear all the gits from the capture points between their high health and constantly streaming in. In general we can each take and hold a point then potentially hold a third long enough to gain the lead. However, the Acolyte then spawns in and annoys us long enough to lose the lead, mostly through trolling with their abilities.

    I have a Kuva Lich and my friend has a Sister of Parvos as our On Call Crewmen but neither of us have put any work into optimizing them, they're both just more-or-less the first thing we spared rather than killed. I also summon Kahl and his support units while my friend calls Ancient Healers (they prefer a different Air Support).

    I know my Lich isn't optimal, it uses one of the less impressive Kuva variant guns, the Quartakk, and only has one power that's noticeably helpful: their version of Hollowed Ground. Their SoP Crewman is similarly unimpressive but I don't recall the specifics. Both of us need better help. So, what should we be looking for in terms of the best support for SP missions?


    Comparison: Lich Nukor v SoP Cycron

    Just killed my current Lich and got the Kuva Nukor, and now I'm wondering how it will compare to the Tenet Cycron for Priming. This is their comparison on the equip screen: !

    Anyone have experience with both weapons? Which would you say is generally better for the job? Of note: I don't do collision overload and rarely melee in general.


    Personal Achievement: All the Bobbles

    Just finished the Steel Path and got all the Bobbles! !

    Arranged them as an homage to the pre-Orbiter mission select screen. The Deimos bobble isn't clearly visible but it's there between Mars and Phobos. The Zariman Bobble is unfortunately out of frame on my Pedestal Prime.


    Dante: No Grind?

    Am I lucky for once in my life or is Dante a really eazy grind? I just got half of Dante and ~130 pity points in one run then finished off the pps on a single C rotation. So with less than an hour of work I've got the new frame under construction.



    Experiencing some oddness, testing if I can post.


    Branching Out - Feedback Wanted

    Hello everyone, I recently looked up how to make autonomous courier drones and realizing how easy they are I decided it was well past time to try branching out into using remote control and drones more. So, I've engineered this little thing to serve as a drone outpost. The intent being that it'll host a mining drone and a courier so that the whole kit can be deployed to a location by a valuable resource.

    Being my first drone vessel I wanted to see what other people thought of it while I'm still prototyping. I've got two custom turrets that hold a folding solar panel system, slapped some O2 generators on it just in case a manned vessel is running low and near one. I've got a gyro and RC on it along with forward and rearward facing cameras. It occurred to me that I'm using Hydrogen thrusters and as such have to have facilities for ice processing and storage but I tend to struggle to find platinum.

    ! ! !


    Air Control on Large Ships

    Hello everyone, Doing a bit more work on the big carrier I'm designing to use with a friend and I've sealed up the hangar-areas but now I've got a new problem: I've got a 23 block long door that could potentially vent a painful amount of oxygen into space. I don't want to scrap the door because I think it's cool (and very loosely taking inspiration from the Venator Class Star Destroyer from Star Wars), and I think it'll be reasonably 'practical' way of handling the positioning of the hangars. So I'm considering two fixes:

    1. Either keep this section depressurized always but allow the hangars to pressurize or
    2. Build a system such that the big area will decompress via vents before the door opens.

    I think Option 2 would be better but I really don't know how to do much in the way of automation and the airlock videos I've seen seem to rely on timer blocks which would mean that I'd need to time the depressurization of a massive room... Is there any way I can just detect when the pressure is at 0% or some other workaround? Any guidance on this problem would be very helpful.

    Also for context the room this door is to is a bit above 11,250 cubic meters in volume. Getting an accurate measurement is a little difficult do to an irregularly shaped device I've built in it. I'm having a hard time finding rates for things when I go looking so I'm not sure how many vents I'd need to depressurize this in a reasonable period of time.


    Air Tightness Difficulties

    Hello everyone, My friend and I are moving on to trying to seal parts of the ship for spaceflight now that our production system works and have started hitting the problem of leaks we can't find. I recall being told there's a mod to make this much less difficult when I had this problem on my single-player world but never went for it... I figure it'd make things smoother on multiplayer but now I can't recall the mod's name.

    Anyone know which mod that likely was?


    Assemblers Not Drawing Ingots

    Hello everyone, A friend of mine finally got a computer & connection that can handle Space Engineers and we've been enjoying the game together... up until a few minutes before posting. We've hit an issue I can't quite figure out: In the process of building a flying base we've found our new Indi Assemblers won't draw Ingots from the connected cargo hold no matter what we do.

    I've snapped a few pics to show our setup: ! ! ! !

    I've tried swapping which Assembler is CoOp, having neither be CoOp, turning each one off while leaving the other on, disassembling and reassembling them both... but nothing has worked so far. Ingots just won't move into the assemblers.


    Turn off Weather

    Hello everyone, Is there a way to turn off weather on the planets? I'm working on an improved version of the Voxel Lance but persistent blizzards on my testworld bringing visibility to approaching zero is getting rather frustrating.


    Anyone Figure Out How to Open These Yet?


    Found two of these while hunting Voca. Got some loot radar going on so I know there's something beyond it, at least one Voca as the other was next to a window, but I don't 'get' the mechanism for these doors yet.
