75% of Democrats voted against it and 100% of Republicans supported it. The problem in this country is Democrats, because a portion of them side with Republicans sometimes.
Honestly the fact that 75% of Democrats voted against it is actually kinda surprising. In the past close to 100% of both parties were knee-jerk pro-Israel votes. This means there's actually a good chance it won't pass the senate. If people wanna call their senator instead of complaining online, maybe it won't. I'm in DC so I'm allowed to just complain online until you give me my two senators.
There is no requirement that the party keep you. You can keep your seat. The people gave you your seat. The party gave you it's name and backing. The party can publicly disavow you at any time.
I'd like to see a breakdown of this idea. Some people say Democrats seem to perfectly shore up votes to push through conservative shit, but the idea is the same color as "it's them vs us."