Always remain prepared in case you need to evacuate with your fridge during an emergency
Always remain prepared in case you need to evacuate with your fridge during an emergency
My mom took this photo in NC (USA) after the hurricane
If you look close, you can just make out the little bullwhip and fedora!
4 0 ReplyWhat?
1 0 Reply2 0 ReplyIn Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford survives a nuclear test by hiding in a refrigerator.
2 0 Reply
I will not put it inside. How else are adventurers going to loot?
3 0 ReplyIs your refrigerator running?
2 0 ReplyNo, due to poor design the fan motor ripped itself apart and the distributor took a week just to ship the replacement which cost $100
1 0 ReplyWell… you better go and catch it then! gottem
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