The State Department has informed Congress of a planned $8 billion weapons sale to Israel. U.S. officials say some of the weapons could be sent through current U.S. stocks but the majority of the package would take a year or several years to deliver.
And congress says, "hells yeah!" Because if there's one thing they can agree on across party lines, it's that Israel needs to continue the senseless extermination of the Palestinian people.
Single payer healthcare would actually save us money compared to what we have now. The only reason we don't have it is because the insurance industry pays off politicians to never implement it.
If you're concerned about collateral damage, the Hellfires in the package are probably desirable, as they are accurate and have a fairly small warhead.
Ukraine is probably about to get cut off entirely by the US and risk being overrun, which could trigger a European invasion by Russia. Putin has moved Russia to a total war economy, and it will collapse the second they stop fighting. Ukraine is the front line of the defense of western democracies.
But yeah, Israel needs to bomb some more hospitals in Gaza, so let’s prioritize that.
i learned recently that the united states carried out the same sort of political violence they did in latin america, but in western europe and i remember wondering if any of the victims in places like italy, or france or denmark were aware that the bombings, shootings, kidnappings, etc. in the decades after ww2 were backed by the americans in the same manner that the americans are currently doing for the isrealis; my googling suggested that there was no such sort of awareness of these revelations.
watching gazans executed on tiktok forced me to realize how horrific my ancestors' experiences must have been in this country before they were corralled into reservations/ejidos and thinking more upon it make me come to think of all of it as history repeating itself. the same capitalist system that culled my ancestors into small enough numbers that they will never be able to effectively resist the boot on their collective necks again is now doing the same thing to the palestinians where they'll probably likewise end up in their own reservations; it's all some sort of twisted circle of suffering as a result of unintended consequences as this capitalists system chases profit and it forces us to keep repeating history in north america; in australia; south africa; and now in isreal.
then it dawned on me that the political violence that this capitalist system imposed on western europe immediately after ww2 is also another example of history repeating itself with ukraine. the capitalists used campaign donations; bribery; agitated protests; etc. in pursuit of their goals for nato to encroach upon the russians. just like the western europeans, the ukranians will never know (and many not care to know) that they were american-agitprop'ed into wanting to join nato and it worked. lots of people died; many more suffered and just like the western europeans, the ukranians won't generally know how any of it managed to start and simply blame the people committing the physical violence and never placing blame where it's due.
in the future: it'll become another historical footnote like the episodes of western european violence and it'll happen sometime in 25-30 years after some academic accidentally discovers the american-agitprop documentation in the document dump that they obtain under the freedom of information act request.
What a load of shit, it's so obvious to anyone watching that Ukraine wants to join NATO because Russia won't stop attacking them. If Russia left Ukraine alone they probably wouldn't care to join, why would they need a defensive pact if they don't need to defend from anyone.
I don't support it, but keep in mind that this is just authorization of sale. Israel will get weapons one way or another, and if you care about Ukraine it probably is better if it won't pay Russia to get them.
Also, you're talking about Russia's economy as if it isn't sanctioned to the brink of collapse and a political player directly opposed to Isreal in the middle east that as recently as this last month was supporting Assad's regime in Syria and is currently offering him Asylum.
Isreal would probably find someone else to buy from, sure, but their list of international friends who make quality weapons is growing short.