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Army Secretary Fires 4-Star General Who Meddled in Promotion of Unfit Subordinate Army Secretary Fires 4-Star General Who Meddled in Promotion of Unfit Subordinate

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth -- in a dramatic and rare move -- on Tuesday fired one of the service's top generals following an Army inspector general investigation that concluded he improperly intervened in the process for selecting senior commanders.

Army Secretary Fires 4-Star General Who Meddled in Promotion of Unfit Subordinate
  • Dear God that's literally shining a spotlight on him for promotion by Trump

    • However, found -- and the IG investigation confirmed -- that Hamilton orchestrated a complex lobbying campaign to undermine the process and boost a lieutenant colonel who worked under him, had a friendly relationship with him, and was seeking a battalion command post.

      Oh, he's most definitely getting scouted.