"In the early 2000s, the U.S. military began including a version of the pepperoni roll in one of the MREs (Meals, Ready-to-Eat) provided to troops. In the late 2000s, the U.S. Army changed the pepperoni roll to its First Strike Ration. These rations are designed for light infantry, airborne, and special forces during a typical 72-hour patrol. The pepperoni roll's compact size and comparatively high nutritional return make it an ideal ration for these patrols. These rations were extensively employed during Operation Enduring Freedom. The military's rolls are made by a North Carolina company.[12]"
Also didn't know they were regional. I get them all the time.
I've never heard of them, but it could just be me. I looked for "pepperoni rolls near me " and it only gave me pizza places, none of which had a pepperoni roll on the menu. I'm in Los Angeles, which is pretty culinarily diverse, so I would expect there's someone selling them, but it's certainly not a common thing here.
So if you're in Cali, do you have cheesesteaks like Philly, or do you call them steak sandwiches? The reason I ask is because many people outside of the region will say streak sandwiches but for those who are lactose intolerant, the Philly cheesesteak places around here have another item on the menu called steak sandwiches and they are without cheese. Just shredded steak and sauce on a roll. Which, aside from someone who can't have cheese, is so unappealing.
I grew up in West Virginia and live in Denver now and I can tell you that it’s much easier to find them in Appalachia. I don’t think they exist as a thing in Denver and one place I saw selling pepperoni rolls was selling them as a pinwheel/cinnamon roll type and that’s not what I think of as a pepperoni roll.
Honestly they’re quick and easy to make and taste so much better when fresh. I buy frozen bread dough from the grocery store, let that defrost and rise. Once risen, break off pieces of the dough, and stuff with store bought pepperoni and a 2:1 mixture of mozzarella and cheddar cheese, ensuring that the fillings are contained inside the dough. Bake following the instructions on the package of dough, usually about 20-25 minutes on 350 or until golden brown on top.
Not that I know of. Most local Italian restaurants near me (East coast US) have them. I usually get them from a local Italian deli that also has baked goods. There is pepperoni roll and pepperoni bread. The roll has cheese baked in usually and is best fresh. The bread is just pepperoni baked into bread that is kneaded into it. It is easy to make. Apparently Domino's has something like it but those popular fast food pizza places suck.
I usually see it at my family reunion home made which is the most ideal. You can use any dough including Pillsbury pizza dough, or even their croissant dough, or any regular dough. Then you spread it out and add a layer of pepperoni. And you fold it over on itself. Then add shredded mozzarella or whatever cheese you want. And fold that over. Refold a few times until it is condensed. Then flatten and roll into a long narrow cylinder similar to a stromboli or a long hot pocket. Bake at (idk whatever it would be for bread or something similar). And then slice it. Enjoy.