The president-elect said that he would impose the across-the-board tariffs on Day 1 and that they would stay in place until Canada, Mexico and China halted the flow of drugs and migrants.
Ah yes, those illegal migrants from Canada, the country that is notoriously difficult to enter. Must be heaps of those!
Hope Americans enjoy paying inflated prices for fuels, manufactured parts, beef, wheat, and grains because Canada is a large supplier of those to the US. Trade deals between Canada and the US are valued at around $1tril per year. I hope those that voted for Trump really feel like those increased prices make them feel like they're being put "first".
They'll blame it on trans, liberals, never-trumpers, etc....the dimwits that voted for donvict are not likely to make the connection between what they voted for and then getting it good and hard.
Yeah I mean there are sooo many products that this would affect, but for instance this is kinda like applying a 10-25% cost increase to residential construction, including multi-family structures. So much of the lumber used in the construction industry comes from Canada. We have our own production in the US, but this will drive the price up across the board whether it’s foreign or domestic source, I don’t think we have enough production to meet demand.
Add in some forest fires that we are definitely going to see going forward, and it could be pretty rough on housing pricing.
I feel like we’ve had tariffs on Canadian lumber in the past and they took us to the WTO over it.
How many times has he used this 'caravan of migrants' baseless claim?
For those scoring at home, Canada, Mexico and China account for 1/3rd of our imports. Such a tariff would have some pretty significant inflationary implications.
The impact this will have on oil and gas alone. 62% of our petroleum imports come from Canada and Mexico. And 70% of our crude oil imports.
Canada and Mexico really have to renegotiate their own trade deal. Of course, that’s assuming PP doesn’t become PM of Canada, because he’s already insulted Mexico multiple times while just trying to position himself for the role.
I'm waiting for the "little" things like Nestle water goes up 25% costs do to tariff... So Coke raises price of Dasani by 20% so they can increase profits while maintaining an image of low cost.