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Punic War political compass

Political Compass Memes PugJesus

Punic War political compass

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Punic War political compass

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  • Ah, for those wondering about the prettyboys comment, as it's a bit more obscure than the rest...

    “Although they [the Celts] have good-looking women, they pay very little attention to them, but are really crazy about having sex with men. They are accustomed to sleeping on the ground on animal skins and roll around naked with male bed-mates on both sides... When they proposition someone, they consider it dishonourable if he doesn’t accept the offer!” - Diodorus Siculus

    • Diod. Sic. 5.32, if anyone was wondering. The translation here is pretty faithful. I found that you could creatively interpret "ἀλλὰ πρὸς τὰς τῶν ἀρρένων ἐπιπλοκὰς ἐκτόπως λυττῶσιν" as "but they were unusually rabid towards the intercourse of men."