Battlestar Galactica Series Shortened Watch Order?
The 2000s series had a great story line that I kept thinking about in different ways over the years. Really, what a good show. It popped in my head again and I'd love to rewatch it. I enjoyed so many plots, but honestly, didn't enjoy others.
If I remember correctly, they dragged out all of season 3 and rarely gave out information that moved the main plot along. Writer's strike of 2008, right? It was worth watching all the way through one time and I powered through it, but I don't want to do it again.
So many years later and there still isn't a movie length edit of the TV series. Someone could edit all the important information of the main story line into a 2 hour movie or 10 hour mini series. Maybe I could watch the most important episodes and skip all the filter. Thanks for any suggestions.
Omg I haven't heard of The Plan! A companion movie you say...
I definitely want to watch the early seasons. It was season 4 maybe that progressed way too slowly. Every episode had the same flashback to the opera house and it took forever to actually get there.
Yes! Strikes are important, but it's so disappointing when they interrupt a series' momentum. I think Heros was interrupted at this same time too.
I'm afraid of skipping too much of Boomer and Helo's relationship if I jump around the episodes. Their character development really made the series for me.
Weren't they together from the very beginning? Their relationship just didn't develop or maybe just not too memorable. We knew she was a cyborg from the pilot so nothing too much to be revealed.
Yes IIRC they were at the very beginning of the show although he thought she was human at that time.
A lot of the plot did involve their relationship and their discussions of things, but I just liked the pew pew and logistics and survival more than hearing them blab on and on. I never liked Baltar even if he did do good things occasionally.