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Orbital hypersonic delivery systems threaten strategic stability Orbital hypersonic delivery systems threaten strategic stability

Hypersonic glide vehicles alone do not pose a significant risk to strategic stability. But when they are paired with fractional orbital bombardment systems, the strengths of both systems overcome their individual weaknesses.

Orbital hypersonic delivery systems threaten strategic stability
  • Holy shit they're this far along now? They're at prototypes for intercontinental hypersonics from orbital altitudes where they categorically can not be intercepted and will not be detected until minutes before impact and the west has yet to develop any working hypersonic prototype at all, let alone a deployed and functioning one.

    This is 5, even 10 years ahead technologically.

    • Yeah, US is far behind Russia and China in this tech right now, which makes it all the more bewildering that it continues to escalate towards a conflict with adversaries that now have nuclear first strike capability on US.