This is actually the first time I've heard of it.
Half-Life was still the go-to game at my friends place and he barely looked into anything besides that, Quake and Unreal at the time, so sadly, I had no idea what else was out in the PC space...
@[email protected]
I wish I could play this somehow as I know of little to no Star Trek games that were actually good.
Massive fan of the series, but never dared to dip my toes. Into the games.
@[email protected] @[email protected] Both Elite Force games are on The 2nd one follows up on the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager and expands the scope a bit, so they dropped Voyager from the title.
@[email protected] This game is associated permanently in my mind with 11th September 2001, since I missed what’d happened because I was marathoning it.
Oh wow.
Yeah, that is something that will stick with you...
I still remember being at work when I heard it on the phone.
They were talking about it like it was some tiny sports plane, not sure what to call it on English.
Then I got home, put on the TV and saw the damage and minutes later saw the second one hit...