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  • This is... a bit unexpected.

    Big positive things I'm seeing:

    • Most of the PvP reworks.
    • DRK getting physical defense and healing on C&S. I dislike the further homogenization, but as a stopgap solution this is perfect.
    • Invuln timing is a godsend.
    • Esuna being instant cast, although this is foreboding about how FRU will work...

    Weird/negative things I'm seeing:

    • Why would they remove GNB-identity. This was the thing we're known for, and it's not like it hurts anybody but ourselves since we're invulnerable.
    • Dragoon was already more or less the easiest and least hectic melee DPS to play, even more so than Viper. I mean sure, as a result this doesn't truly change much, but it also feels so unnecessary.
    • Healers get mostly shafted and forgotten, as per usual.