Wait till you see what happens in chess.
70 1 ReplyI bet it's faaaaaaaaabulous.
26 0 ReplyI can't help but feel I would have enjoyed this so much more if he asked to be turned into a queen and then told all the enemies to sashay away.
24 1 ReplyI was confused reading that comic, because in French checkers is called "dames".
So yeah, even in that game, the guy would barge in and command you to "lady" him.
7 0 Reply
Holy hell
11 0 ReplyGoogle en prostate
5 0 Reply
He breaks through the enemy lines, gets coronated... And injected with Estrogen.
9 2 ReplyI heard it's literal sex. is it literal sex. I bet it's literal sex.
5 0 ReplyIt took me longer than I care to admit to figure out that this was referencing checkers instead of chess
2 0 Reply
i still don't understand this, I'm not getting smarter apparently
8 0 ReplyIt's a joke about checkers. When you get a piece to the end of the board, that piece gets "kinged" by placing a second piece on top of it, usually one you've lost during the game. (That piece can then move both forwards and backwards.)
10 0 Reply