I prefer to ride my bike. I have a little trailer so I can take my dogs with me. That said, I also have a car. It's paid off and my insurance is about $60 a month.
My motorcycle insurance was $200 a year. They asked if it was my primary or just on weekends, and I do wonder if I said primary, id be paying 2-5x as much.
I’m in the same place. I have a nice car, paid off. I cover my partner’s car AND my car, top tier insurance with everything possible ticked and low deductible. Around 120USD monthly for both cars. We have both never had any at-fault accidents or tickets.
I’ve been hit three or four times from behind. Super not at fault. One time I was blasted drunk. In my house. Playing games. The wheel fell off. I now refuse to park on the street.
I’ve never driven drunk… I thought I was safe… The responding officers found it amusing, too.
I paid about 12k for the car… and had paid it off MONTHS BEFORE. Low mileage, older model. Had it for many many years. My insurance company gave me 8.5k and no increase to my premiums. I was very thankful. I loved that car but the A/C went out for the third time, and I was about to pay another 400-500 to get it fixed AGAIN.