Turkish government just blocked access to YouTube after a terrorist attack - but the Vivaldi browser on my desktop still connects?
It also connects to discord, supposed to be blocked since more than a week. No other device or browser I have connects to YouTube, they all get ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED, and only a fresh Vivaldi profile on the same pc also connects to Discord, everything else get ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
I've tried disabling all extensions, it still connects. Checked its IP address and DNS server and they're the same as other devices/browsers. Any idea what could be going on?
24m edit: Discord just started working on some other chromium browsers including on another device.
80m edit: Another chromium browser just also connected. After deleting browser data it stopped
edit 3: found that if I add this to the servers section of a Network Persistent State file associated with a chromium browser profile (while the browser is closed), it can connect to youtube. Can't explain why. (anonymization says https://www.youtube.com + some number that doesn't matter in the beginning in base64): {"alternative_service":[{"advertised_alpns":["h3"],"expiration":"13376788973168704","port":443,"protocol_str":"quic"}],"anonymization":["GAAAABMAAABodHRwczovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tAA==",false],"server":"https://www.youtube.com","supports_spdy":true}
Maybe do a trace with wireshark and compare the connection attempts?
Most website blocks are done on a dns level, maybe vivaldi doesn't accept the "wrong" dns replies, uses DNS-over-HTTPS or doesn't query any affected dns servers.
I have secure DNS set up on all my devices, this isn't a DNS level block. I tried looking at the chrome Dev tools connection page and I would try wireshark too but idk what to look for, especially when I'm trying to figure out why it works
Edit: I'm pretty sure with normal DNS you get a page saying it's blocked for discord