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How are you doing comrades?

Hope y'all alright.

  • I've been resisting the urge to fedpost since the redditors started swarming in.

  • I'm doing okay. I sometimes have some mental struggles where I get very negative or anxious for a while, and I can't enjoy life in these moments. But overall I have to remind me that I'm okay, life is okay and things are going well.

    I have one month left at my current job before I start my new job at the union. I'm really looking forward to it. Before I start I have a 3 week holiday of which I will spent most of the time abroad. We're probably heading to Sweden to do some road tripping. My gf's father bought a piece of land there in the middle of nowhere just last week and it would be nice to see it, if possible. The alternative is the Gironde area in France, if weather in Sweden would suck. Eitherway I'm looking forward to some time off.

  • Decent, planning to read more theory hopefully

  • Already on episode 2 of Red Menace (podcast) that, in addition to elucidating theory, makes an effort to show how to translate that theory into action. It's pretty great, but ironically it also feels like listening to this podcast has been showing me how to be a better capitalist (astaghfirullah)

  • Caught a cold or something. Which makes it about a whole month of being sick with something or other

  • Kinda feeling like shit tbh. My partner lost her nan recently and I've been feeling rather helpless wrt. that. She's in another country so I can't even just hold her.

    Oh and a few hours ago I lied to an old friend of mine when asked if I thought "Russia's invasion [sic] was wrong" cause I felt it was either that or get cut off from someone I've been good mates with for a significant chunk of my life.

    All in all, it's a been a bit of a bummer.

  • I'm doing good

  • Eh, trying to get by. I recently started working at a for profit company after working non profit for 10 years. I knew what I was getting into, I'm aware of the inter workings of capitalism and how entities operate within the Imperial Core, but seeing it live was just a different experience. We had our first quarterly reports addressed to the whole office and I was just standing there thinking, "this whole thing is just a show, they legitimately only care about maximizing profits." They talked about the usual, "oh, people aren't buying our stuff and are going on cruses and vacations meaning they're looking to experience things instead of just buying, so we have to tailor our brand as an experience," completely disregarding that average working class people are struggling to get by. Their "activism" was just to maximize profits, their understanding of politics was just to maximize profits, all talk was just profit profit profit. Again, I knew what I was getting into, but actually being there in the belly of the beast really did a number on my mental health.

    In the meantime I've been reading, listening to podcasts, and just using my weekends to do absolutely nothing or be out in nature. Hoping to organize with local groups in the coming weeks.

  • I think I have begun to regain some of the hearing loss I got over the last months. Not fully there, but its more than I was expecting.

  • I’m well. I just have a few annoying finals, but then I’ll be free during summer vacation.

  • Thanks, comrade!! I finally dowloaded Jerboa so I hope to be more active on here