These results were from leaked GOP internals. Their Texas polling especially stands out to me with them having the senate race neck and neck at 48 Cruz to 47 Alred
Their memo also expressed alarm about the possibility of losing Nebraska though they did not have specific numbers in the leaked document
I've seen others online suggest that this was an intentional leak for fundraising, but I'm dubious of that for a couple of reasons
The leads for dems in some of these races (though certainly not all) are larger than what you'd hope to leak to show it's still competitive to drive donations. For instance, they show Hogan in Maryland down by 7 points and trending in the opposite direction. If they were intentionally leaking, they probably wouldn't have mention these races or leaked an outlier poll showing it closer
Why would they leak mediocre trump president numbers in this too? Trump wants to claim that he's winning and that everything is rigged against him, but leaking something showing the opposite would undercut him and draw his ire