SpaceX successfully catches Starship Super Heavy booster in 'Mechazilla' arms
SpaceX successfully catches Starship Super Heavy booster in 'Mechazilla' arms
The owner may be a monster, but this is damn impressive!
34 1 ReplyI'd imagine Elon isn't there to shit on everything, considering how bad it turned out when he got involved with Twitters operations.
14 2 ReplyFrom what I've read, SpaceX has an entire team whose main job is to stop Musk from fucking shit up
26 2 ReplyI supported him buying Twitter, as since he has been distracted, spaceX is doing a lot better again.
5 1 Reply
Falcon is a different rocket. This is Starship.
11 0 ReplyThe sonic shockwave moving through the clouds visible on some of the footage was amazing and then the shockwave bounced on the ground and back into the clouds a couple of seconds later, so amazing to see. I hate Elon Musk, but that they pulled this off is incredible.
10 1 ReplyMan this made me really miss watching shuttle launches as a kid in Florida. Now that I've got a son I'm gonna have to take him to a launch one day.
8 1 Reply