In this photograph, you can see a charming Saw-Whet Owl perched in a tree it often frequents. The initial reaction might be, "Aw, it's so cute and tiny' and while that is true, it's also important to remember that this tiny creature is a raptor!
These diminutive owls prey on mice, voles, frogs, and other small creatures, seizing them with their sharp talons. As owl season approaches, remember to maintain a respectful distance, remain silent, capture your photograph, and exit the vicinity discreetly.
Always maintain ethics in your photography! It's not worth compromising your principles for a photo. Unethical behavior not only endangers the owl's life but also risks it abandoning the area permanently, potentially depriving you and others of ever seeing it again.
(Disclaimer - Photo taken distantly at 500mm with a 1.6x crop and cropped again in post)