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Socialist Worldbuilding commiespammer

The battle of Moscow (lore)

Until this chapter comes out, I'll leave you to interpret this.

  • With the "Everything lmao" I'm imagining a history book, long after the war, with a chapter called "Get rekt lol"

  • Wtf happened ? That's a crazy k/d ratio.

    I also think it's unlikely for the red army to have literally no support units. Usually artillery and armored vehicles are listed separately. It's pretty weird for only one side to have artillery, and for no vehicles or airplanes to be involved at all in a battle of such size. Not a big deal all in all, but it would add a lot of flavor.

    • Kyoko pulled an encirclement after crippling their attacks, thereby capturing nearly every single one of the enemies that were still alive. I'm pretty sure that counts as losses, but I could be wrong.

      As for the support equipment-- as of this time the world is pretty fucked up, so there's not a lot of Imperium equipment to spare, especially since most of it is going towards Mukuro's army group in the west. Besides, the Reserves are so fucking useless that nobody wants to waste equipment on them (basically their sole purpose is to charge headlong into machine gun fire and die). The Red Army is also temporarily scraped up from mostly civilians, so they're not that well equipped. This takes place in pretty much the modern day, but they don't have electronics of any kind, and even if they had armored vehicles or aircraft there aren't that many who know how to operate them. There will be more equipment and stuff in later battles.

      • Yeah I suppose that make sense. I was just under the impression that they all fucking died. The reasons behind the lack of heavy equipment are sensible.

        I'm not a big fan of armies overly reliant on human shields, as that always feels more like something you see in propaganda than something that can realistically happen. Especially things like not giving guns to soldiers. I mean even if they're disposable politically or something like that, you still have to feed them, clothe them etc. Arming them won't add much to the logistic strain, especially considering most countries have a virtually infinite supply of small arms, the only limit being how far back in time you're willing to look. That was just a rant, don't take it too seriously.

        Something interesting you could do in term of world building, is to give your countries different men/division ratios. It's a small detail, but it goes a long way to show that there's a difference between each country's military doctrine and organisation.

        I find it also weird that an outnumbered force of armed civilians managed to have less casualties than a more professional, if disposable, force. And I would rather avoid thinking about the nightmare that would be organizing an operational encirclement with untrained civilians. Are those red army civilians at least militas or reservists ? Or are there more professional troops in that army ?

        Could you please explain to me what Despair Screamers are too ?

  • Someone should make something like this for the battle of Windhelm

  • I like this! Am excited to see what you've created!