But does the taste liner after washing your mouth? Especially with a mouth wash? Listerine mint ones has quite a strong taste so I would imagine that won't be a problem.
I'd love to use herb toothpaste, but it all seems to be very expensive and fluoride-free. I found one I really liked at a drugstore in Paris once, but I can't seem to get it in the US.
Better than asking a dentist is asking a dental hygienist. Dentists are dental surgeons primarily concerned with solving specific problems with surgical intervention. Hygienists are oral health nurses concerned with preventive care and overall health and wellbeing.
And listen to your hygienist. There is no cure-all toothpaste for everyone (eg not everyone needs anti-sensitivity toothpaste, the risk of erosion in whitening toothpastes might be a concern for some people, some people need higher fluoride concentrations, etc)