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I've got banned from Apex Legends

Got greeted with this message today. I've been playing Apex on linux for more than a year. Not sure if this could be related? Is this just me?

I've contested the ban and I'm currently waiting for a response from ea support.

UPDATE : Got an email response from EA today. It's basically a generic message saying that my account was associated with "cheating practices" and so they will not remove the ban.

This is absolutely fucking ridiculous! I've been playing this game since 2020 and have 3K+ hours on record, now this shit happens and there's no recourse ? Fuck this company.


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  • You dont even know this guy… yet you are so sure he is not cheating… lmfao

    Proof = he was banned its the OP picture! You have 0 proof he did not cheat and you dont know him but here you are so sure he “dindu nuffin” wrong and Im a bad guy.

    • Proof he was banned isn't proof he is a cheater, that's the circular logic but I'm sure you know that already. I am definitely sure of one thing though, you are a troll, a bad-faith actor, or both, trying to foster ill-will towards an individual you do not know based on faulty logic, when in reality you couldn't prove the claims you make against him, even if your life depended on it.

      yet you are so sure he is not cheating… lmfao

      You also are mischaracterizing and making bad-faith assumptions because people aren't willing to take your lies and logical fallacies as "the truth". The fact of the matter is, you cannot prove that OP cheated, all you can do is assume he did and use the fact he was banned as justification for it being true, drawing conclusion from the assumption without any evidence. That isn't a real argument, that is you trying to phrase your own assumption based on nothing at all as if it were an indisputable fact. Which it clearly is not.

      • Where is your proof he is not cheating??? You call this circular conversation because you cant prove that he is not cheating anymore than I can. The only thing we know for sure is that his account is banned.

        I been playing video games all my life and I have never been banned. Believe what ever you want to believe just don't try and feed me shit about a topic Im very fluent in.

        • You call this circular conversation because you cant prove that he is not cheating anymore than I can.

          Yet you sit here trying to argue that OP IS a cheater and you cannot prove it, you sit here trying to foster ill will towards OP. No one needs to prove OP isn't a cheater, OP doesn't need to try and prove this to you either, much less to you. You however need to cough up the proof that he is though, otherwise it is an unmerited accusation on your own assumptions, in other-words a baseless claim. No one owes anyone proof that their baseless accusations aren't true, especially to random dudes online such as yourself.

          The only thing we know for sure is that his account is banned.

          Thanks captain obvious, no one is contesting or trying to argue otherwise. If you feel they are you either misread/misunderstood something or are deliberately misrepresenting as part of a bad faith argument to attack arguments we never made, typically called a strawman argument.

          I been playing video games all my life and I have never been banned. Believe what ever you want to believe just don’t try and feed me shit about a topic Im very fluent in.

          Translation: You've been unchallenged for many years in your claims that random players who were banned must in fact be cheaters and you're upset that someone is finally challenging and calling out your faulty arguments with facts and logic, and pointing out exactly why they are faulty arguments, typically made in bad faith by trolls. Something that is not only uncomfortable for you but also weakens future arguments you may make since people know the trick and aren't going to be as likely to submit without challenging you.