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Planting trees in cities will be an essential, life-saving adaptation to climate change in the coming decades Trees could cut urban heatwave mortality by a third: study

Planting more trees in urban areas to lower summertime temperatures could decrease deaths directly linked to hot weather and heatwaves by a third, researchers said Wednesday.

Trees could cut urban heatwave mortality by a third: study

We've known for a long time that trees can keep the built environment cooler, but with heat waves and deaths spiking worldwide, it has become an urgent need in many areas.

  • can we not plant all male trees while we’re at it?

    • Unfortunately, those decisions are driven largely by the public's phobias of fruit and seed litter coming off of trees. Urban foresters just respond to the concerns of the public, which wants tidy streets. Unless people are willing to accept "messier" streets or pay more for cleanup, I predict that the dominance of male trees will continue.