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Four Untranslatable Poems on Hindi Orthography by Avinash Mishra /hindi/four-untranslatable-poems-on-hindi-orthography/

Translated from the Hindi by Daisy Rockwell

  • straight downvoting non-english poetry just one minute after it has been posted is ultimately narrow-minded > you have done this before ... whoever you are, you are out of touch with international poetry, let alone standards of communication > if you do not enjoy international poetry, or non-english poetics is not to your liking, go somewhere else

    • and let me say this: daisy rockwell is an award-winning translator, mastering different genres and writing styles with ease > your downvoting pattern is ultimately toxic, and it testifies to your ignorance more than to the respective post you dared to downvote without any further reading

      downvoters should be made visible again on mbin: trolls should not be allowed to interfere behind the curtain of invisibility > anyway, bs like this had never happened on's poetry magazine ...