Not if the government built and ran the homes. Public housing works, it just got it's funding gutted by Reagan.
And how can you put a price tag and cleaner and safer communities.
Housing is a great place to start fixing it though. It doesn't matter what other issues there might be if there isn't any housing available to someone.
Sure, but what about those who don't WANT the housing provided and would rather park their RVs on busy roads making commuting dangerous for themselves and others. And before you say this doesn't happen let me take some pictures of the highway on my way to work.
I would rather NOT criminalize the down and out, but when they put others in danger it's a bit of a different story.
It doesn't matter that we have a law because they don't care. If the police chase them off they just wait a few weeks and come back. Technically they have to show movement every day, but that would mean that police would have to go out there every day to check on them.
I don't live in a downtown area, but I do live in the city so there aren't really any benches around TO lay on.