Carson City, Nevada - Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein has defeated a Nevada State Democratic Party push to prevent her name from appearing on the 2024 ballot.
Suggesting that Jill Stein is a “Russian stooge” dismisses legitimate political discourse and attempts to silence alternative viewpoints. It’s a tactic to coerce voters into conformity rather than encouraging healthy debate and democracy.
In the end, I refuse to be intimidated into voting against my conscience.
Voting for the candidate who best represents my beliefs is not just a right—it’s a responsibility.
Democracy thrives on diversity of thought, and I will continue to exercise my right to vote for the candidate who truly speaks for me, regardless of the fearmongering that often comes from the two-party system.
I'd prefer to keep comments directly related to the content of the article. I've made myself clear where I stand. Thank you for supporting my right to vote for who I want to, even if you don't like that person!
Throughout American history, third parties have played a crucial role in shaping political discourse and pushing important issues into the spotlight.
The abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, and labor rights were all advanced by third parties before being adopted by the major parties.
By voting for Jill Stein and the Green Party, I am supporting a platform that aligns with my values, particularly on issues like environmental sustainability, social justice, and democratic reform.
The notion that a vote for a third party “dilutes” the vote is rooted in a fear-driven mentality rather than in democratic principles.
I choose to vote for the candiate who best represents my beliefs. It's not just my right—it’s my responsibility.
I respect, and support, your right to vote for who you want to.
And you respect and support my right as an American citizen to vote for who I want to, correct?
I am fine with you not agreeing with who I am voting for. You totally have the right to your own opinion. As i do mine.