There's always form improvements your can make, but I don't think that's the problem here. I see from your other comment that you're following GZCLP. The program prescribed a deload when you can no longer progress in weight. Have you done that? Are you sleeping and eating well?
As for form, there are a few things I'd try to work on if you want to optimize how much you can squat, but if you just care about getting a good workout, only the first point would matter imo.
Depth: Consistency is key, and the best way to achieve that is either going to parallel or as low as possible. You will have to decrease the weight if what we see in the video is the depth you're used to.
Unracking: you're basically doing a partial good-morning to unrack. That'll sap away the energy you have available for your squat, but it looks like you might not be able to change that with the rack you're currently using.
Walk-out: Get practice with taking exactly 2 or 3 steps. The more steps you take, the less energy you'll have for squatting.
Shoes: A more solid base means less energy waste. Your feet are visible wobbling around here.
Well ig i should take a deload, but this is only after an increase of around 10 pounds (from what i could do before) before i need to take a break, is this normal?
I took a screenshot at the bottom of one of your reps. Parallel means the hip crease going below the top of your knee. I've circled both here. It doesn't look parallel to me, but maybe that's just the camera angle.
I don't have an immediate suggestion, but some questions to gather context so that others can make suggestions.
What is your current program, as in: which days are back squats? How many sets and reps? What is your current objective (eg hypertrophy, functional strength, etc)?
How much weight is on the bar now and when did it last increase for back squats?
Which part of the motion fatigues you the most afterwards?
Do you have access to other equipment to isolate legs? Eg: leg press, hack squat
Are fractional or change plates available, and in what weights?
Current Program - GZCLP (3/3.5 days per week (4 full body workouts))
Sets and reps - 5x3 on day 1, 3x10 on day 2
Weight - 50kgs, got up to 60kg but when i tried it today i failed lol, i thought i would rather focus on form first
Fatigue - Idk about which part ‘fatigues’ me the most hehe, but I always fail at the bottom part of the movement
-> Yes I do have other equipment, but i don’t primarily train for hypertrophy but rather health and movement (I used to be very fat lol) i do think muscles are cool lol don’t get me wrong, but I really do wanna keep free weights as the bread and butter
-> The program calls for 5kg increase in each session on squats (on one rep scheme independently), i do have 1kg ankle weights which i use for bench and OHP so i can use smaller increments
Form looks fine. Sure, it could be more stable, but it's stable enough.
I couldn't take the routine as bible. IDK, I'm no expert so I don't want to trash it, but I think just a simple 3 working sets (not including warm-ups) of 10 reps 3 times a week for squats specifically would be better.
I'm questioning where your idea that you're lacking progress is coming from. Are you able to do 3x10 of a weight, but if you add 5kg more, you're only able to do 8 during your last set? That's fine, keep at it, even if you drop to 5 reps by the end. Only when you add weight and can only do like 3 of the reps by the end would I suggest backing off.
Just wanted to comment that I don't know how many people are willing to download that app or your video file to review. The link says the preview is unavailable and can't be played on the browser. I'm on mobile if that helps.