Steam is clunky... Exit -> Oh you want to exit? Let me launch a new window letting you know I'm shutting down and take about 20 seconds while I was sitting here idle before you asked to shutdown.
See you tomorrow where I'll validate your games again. Just in case!
Yup. And you can kill processes in Windows to in the task manager. Or probably with a Powershell command too, but nobody's gonna learn Powershell LOL.
There's nearly always equivalent functions in both Linux and Windows, just in Windows you gotta click around in more bullshit forms and shit to find stuff. Or learn Powershell, but again, LOL. They are both OSes after all, they do similar things. Just one might do them better than the other.
Why do you need to "tell" some "application"? Why do you need a "finder" if you know the absolute path already? Does this imply that "finder" always runs, ready to be told something?
Finder is macOS equivalent of Windows Explorer (maybe, it’s been a while). I assume Linux desktop suites have various similar processes. In other words, a second optional layer (with more features) to access runtime libc file manipulation api.
I usually write verbose code and use self-documenting function names, but to have such a limited set of verbs available can be frustrating. They could at least have used a proper dictionary and included all verbs. Then have a map of synonyms that are preferred, like instead of 'create' they prefer 'new' (which isn't even a verb).
It's one of those things wher eI'm sure it's fine if you learn it. But it's not DOS CMD, but also not bash.
So instead of improving CMD to have more features or just going all the way and offering an official bash implementation, they want me to learn a third thing. Just don't have time for it.
I wanna learn PowerShell but I only really learn extra stuff like that if I have to. My work computer is a Mac now and has been since 2019. At home I don't use too much on Windows to really warrant it. I did used to know how to do "sudo" in PowerShell which was useful. Best the hell out of restarting as admin.
The "object" approach instead of everything as text seems desirable.