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Rick Beato on AI in music

For those who know Rick Beato, you may already have opinions one way or another. Generally I welcome his channel to YouTube.

He has been beating this AI and "computerised music" drum for a while though. I was grateful to see him join the dots between computerised music and AI just taking over: "a computer makes better computer music than a human".

It's a pattern I think I see in technological development. While for us or socially it may look like inflection points change everything, there is likely to be a continuous arc of technology that just happens to mean different things to us as it goes. Electrical technology for music -> electrical technological music ... was always a clear trajectory ... and that people are already accustomed to the hyper-polished "digital" sound of AI music because of the past 20 years just confirms that.

All Things Saxophone saxtalk

I Told You This Was Going To Happen (Rick Beato talks about some recent advancements in AI music technology and what its implications are).

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