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[News] OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn

OpenAI released draft guidelines for how it wants the AI technology inside ChatGPT to behave—and revealed that it’s exploring how to ‘responsibly’ generate explicit content.

OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn

OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, is exploring the possibility of allowing its AI technology to generate explicit content, including porn, in "age-appropriate contexts." This potential shift in policy has raised concerns about the responsible generation of NSFW content, given the existing issues of deepfake porn and nonconsensual intimate images, which have been used to harass and harm individuals, particularly women and girls. As AI companionship continues to evolve, it's crucial to consider the implications of AI-generated explicit content on human relationships and societal norms. Will AI companions be designed to engage in explicit conversations or generate explicit content, and if so, how will this impact our understanding of healthy relationships and consent? As AI technology advances, it's essential to prioritize ethical considerations and mitigate the risks associated with explicit content generation.

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