With Twitter burning to flames, it would be nice to have a profile on the microblogging side of Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon). It could start without approval, as Gridcoin is not trademarked, and made ...
A volunteer is ready to run a social media profile for Gridcoin on Mastodon, requests advice from the community.
The boinc project, which gridcoin is mainly connected to, exists for decades, the concept is great an the scientific results are verifiable, so of course gridcoin is somhow different in that connection. PoS on the other hand is very common but i dont think thats the point here. I get it that you dont like the concept of cryptocurrency, but i think you oversimplify things a bit
Why does a successful decade old project, which like you say has great scientific results, need a cryptocurrency slapped on the side? What problem does that even solve?
except moving real money from A to to B in exchange for monopoly money?
While other cryptocurrencies reward bruteforcing hashes (PoW) or hoarding lots of coins (PoS), this one rewards actually useful computing, which is great.